
Showing posts from June, 2021

Episode #54: MP - Who's Running The Show?

Episode #54: MP - Who's Running The Show? Synergy Autism Podcast · Episode #54: MP - Who's Running The Show? Hello and welcome to another episode of my Synergy Autism Podcast. I am a family and individual autism coach and consultant. I feel incredibly lucky to have listeners now from all over the world who subscribe to this low tech series. Each week I share thoughts and ideas from my work with the autistic community in the hopes that you may benefit from the information with someone you know and love with autism. Today, I’d like to talk about balancing who is running the show. I have many client children of all ages who will either lead or follow but the in between is challenging. Sharing the lead or switching it up is essential for full well rounded development and well being. Say you have a 5 year old who won’t allow you to join them in play or allow you to introduce new additions or silliness to their play or engagements. You may kindly offer “ do you want to do thi...

Episode #53: MP - Grateful for Fathers

 Episode #53: MP - Grateful for Fathers Synergy Autism Podcast · Episode #53: Grateful for fathers Today happens to be Father's Day as I record this episode so I thought I would spend a little time celebrating the dad's out there listening or the dad's you know and love.  I feel so lucky to work with fathers more than I ever could as a teacher. Dads bring so much to families and they don't always get the credit that they deserve.  Fathers are most often the ones who are looking long term into the future for their child and family. They are often considering finances combined with self-sufficiency. These longer term goals or visions can be incredibly helpful for determining what needs to be targeted today to get to those long term dreams. allowing fathers into the conversation about individual education planning (or IEPs) can help the full team consider life beyond the classroom into adulthood.  Fathers are also conversely often amazing at being in the moment with th...

Episode #52: MP - Personal Agency from Seeing Autism due out Summer 22

Episode #52: MP - Personal Agency from Seeing Autism due out Summer 2021 Synergy Autism Podcast · Episode #52: MP - Personal Agency from Seeing Autism Due Out Summer 2021 "The drive for control is especially apparent in the teen years, but many of us also know the adage of the “terrible twos.” Fostering that drive for control is essential for natural learning. You can foster control while still guiding for balance by providing choices when and where appropriate. Providing choices allows personal agency, while avoiding choices is a recipe for disaster for all humans, autistics included. And while many children who are neurotypical may demand their own control, individuals with autism may need you to offer it to them. Here are some ways you can provide choices to someone with autism: Give choices within nonchoices: allow control within situations where aspects may not be within their control. You could say, “We are going to the car. Do you want to bring the baseball or your book wi...

Episode #51: MP - Sensory Flooding from Seeing Autism due out Summer 2021

Episode #51: MP - Sensory Flooding from Seeing Autism due out Summer 2021 Synergy Autism Podcast · Episode #52: MP - Sensory Flooding from Seeing Autism Book due out 2021 Hello Synergy Autism Podcast listeners! I am so happy you are here. I have gotten some really good feedback on my podcasts, people are seeming to like the short and sweet nature of these mini-podcasts I am doing for 2021. A couple of weeks ago, I did a podcast on The ABA Controversy or the controversy around Applied Behavior Analysis which has received some good accolades. So, if you missed it, please check it out. And today, I am going to give you another sneak peek into my upcoming book: Seeing Autism: Connection Through Understanding. This except i am about to read is on the experience of sensory flooding that so many autists find to be a part of everyday life for themselves. I have other podcasts on this subject, too, if you find it interesting. One is called “Riding High” that if you like today’s reading, ...

Episode #50: Excerpt from Seeing Autism: Connection Through Understanding - Due out Summer 2021

Early Social Reciprocity and Autism Excerpt from Seeing Autism: Connection Through Understanding - Due out Summer 2021 By Barbara Avila, MS Synergy Autism Podcast · Episode #50: MP - Early Social Reciprocity There is one video that went viral on social media in 2020 that demonstrates social reciprocity and joint attention beautifully. In the video, a father figure and an infant are sitting side by side on a couch. They are watching a show together, and they each take turns “commenting” on the show. The baby is making sounds and gazing with exaggerated gestures. They do not seem to have any words yet. The father-figure is responding exuberantly with “I know, right?” and waiting for the baby’s next “comment.” The baby gestures and vocalizes at the TV, then to the father. The father then answers, “Really! Is that so?” and looks to the baby again. The back-and-forth feedback loop between them is adorable, but it also demonstrates the early social reciprocity and joint attention that happ...