Episode #56: MP - Paralyzed by The Ripple Effect

Episode #56: MP - Paralyzed by The Ripple Effect

I have such a deep respect for so many of my adult clients and how they think about things. Over the last couple of weeks, I have spoken to at least 3 different adults about this one concept that just blows my mind.

Let me try to explain.

As humans, each of us has a different level of awareness of our personal impact on the world. You might have seen sweet memes about how sharing your smile can impact others - as you never know who needs it. Or you might be concerned about using plastic straws due to the photos of affected turtles in the vast ocean.

But for some autistic people, this very concept of realizing one's impact - that their actions have ripple effects into the world can actually be paralyzing. What we may observe as inaction (and term incorrectly laziness), we tend to interpret as selfish but it may. actually be paralysis due to extreme selfLESSness.

Let me go a little deeper. One client has very matter of factly stated how much he hates money - so much so that he states he doesn't even find it important. When I dove deeper, he shared that it has been a long standing position based on the fact that spending any amount of money has an impact through consumerism... as if he is voting with his money to support child labor or war in other countries.

Another client shared recently that his experience is similar but more focused on his environmental impact, even considering suicide to delete his personal footprint on this earth. He is so deeply concerned for the pain and suffering for humanity as a whole - he is concerned that we are doing so much damange to our earth now that not only will our species die out, we are probably ruining it for the next round of life as well.

On a regular basis, I am awed by. what. we. need to learn from autistic individuals. We would all be so much better off if we were all even just a little more concerned for our future of our planet and recognizing the ripple effect of our personal actions.

My book is out! Check it out wherever you buy your books but here is the link to buy it on Amazon (oh, the irony).


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