Episode #60: MP - On the Wrong Side of the Law
Episode #60: MP - On the Wrong Side of the Law Synergy Autism Podcast · Episode #60: MP - On the wrong side of the law I feel the need to do a podcast on a very important and tough topic today. I'm going to talk about autistic individuals committing crimes. "WHAT!?" you may ask.. People with autism commit crimes? Or, you may be terrified knowing your child, client, or yourself. could end up committing a crime. There are some great websites, trainings, and supports available and I will be sure to share those. This podcast is not meant to replace those excellent resources. I am just an autism specialist who has sadly now seen the inside of jails, juvenile corrections facilities, courtrooms, and the Oregon State Hospital. It seems there are a few things at play that are landing autistic people on the wrong side of the law. I have now been involve din two sexual assault cases, numerous aggravated assault cases, and two theft cases. Families experiencing challenges with th...