Epidode #12: BEHAVIOR BABBLE! When a child is "being bad" with Pam Smith

Barbara and Pam discuss the notion that children are not being bad when they exhibit a
challenging behavior. They delve deeper into one specific case that Pam brings up where
a child is being characterized as choosing to engage in difficult behaviors or is “being bad”.
They talk through how they support families and school teams to move past that thinking
to understand that behavior is communication.

Barb's main website: www.synergyautismcenter.com
Pam's main website: www.pjsconsultation.com

Here are few resources we shared and/or eluded to during our conversation and/or ones that we find
immensely helpful in our work:

Ross Greene
Lives in Balance (wrote Collaborative Problem Solving which he has since renamed Collaborative and
Proactive Solutions)

Stuart Shanker
Helps us move from thinking a behavior is bad to a behavior being a stress response.
Excellent book and resources - available through his website

Temple Grandin
Well known speaker, advocate, and specialist in autism and livestock handling. She is extremely well
known and respected for her ability to share the “inside view” of autism, as an adult with autism. She
has several books and we will provide her website:

Insanity quote
“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.”
Turns out we were both right! Or we were both wrong? Many people trace the quote back to Einstein but
apparently, there is no proof that he actually said it. It IS widely used, as Pam suggested, in recovery programs.
For more discussion on the origins (or non-origins) of the quote, you can read more here:

The Power of Habit Book
Some good ideas for changing habits and what it takes to change them. He dives into how we develop habits,
how triggers and routines continue them, and then how to create new ones. This is a nice introduction into
how setting events, rewards and consequences all shape behavior (the basis of many autism interventions)

How Habits are formed
There was a study in 2009 by Lally et al that found that it takes an average of 66 days to create a new habit.

Healthcare Information Portability and Accountability Act
We will not be disclosing identifying details from the cases we discuss due to the fact that we are governed
by HIPAA which is a law that protects the privacy of medical information.


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